PRMuseum Summer School Series, 2018
Session II: Tech PR for New Technologies: from Drones to VR to Blockchains
Ethan Rasiel, CEO, Lightspeed PR
If you've thought about breaking into technology PR, or ensuring you succeed once you get there, you'll want to attend the second session of our Summer School series, “Tech PR for New Technologies,” Thursday, June 28.
Join Ethan Rasiel, who will share insights from over 20 years of PR experience, including his career at Edelman, his role as Communications Director at Samsung, and his five years as CEO of Lightspeed PR. You’ll learn how to secure mainstream attention for your company or product, how to build relationships with key influencers and journalists and how to react in a crisis — all at the speed of light! A networking session will follow the event, along with complimentary snacks and wine.
Some things you may learn at the “Tech PR for New Technologies,” session:
The Samsung product launch that was so successful, it killed the category
How a famous movie director stormed off stage moments into a press conference
How consumer tech and B2B tech aren’t as different as you think
The true purpose of a press release (and it isn’t about press)
Cutting edge technology to watch for, from drones and blockchains to virtual reality and artificial intelligence.